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Trial Acronym Prevention HARP-2
Clinical Area Critical Care
Trial Title “Prevention Of Post-operative Complications By Using HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor In Patients Undergoing Oesophagectomy – A multicentre, randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial”
Status Analysis & Reporting
Trial Registration



  • Recruitment


    Recruitment Target 452
    Date Open to Recruitment October 2016
    Recruitment 251
    Date Closed to Recruitment September 2022
  • Trial Design
    Trial Design “(i) Type of study – interventional
    (ii) Study design including:
    – Randomised
    – Placebo controlled
    – Parallel
    – Purpose – Prevention
    – Phase II”
    Study Aim The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that treatment with enteral simvastatin 80mg once daily for four days pre-surgery and up to 7 days post-surgery will prevent the development of cardiac and respiratory complications in patients undergoing one lung ventilation for elective oesophagectomy, lobectomy or pneumonectomy.
    Objective 1: To conduct a prospective randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II multi-centre trial of simvastatin for the prevention of cardiac and pulmonary complications in patients undergoing elective oesophagectomy, lobectomy or pneumonectomy.
    “Objective 2: To study the biological mechanisms of simvastatin treatment on:
    a. Systemic markers of inflammation;
    b. Systemic cell-specific indices of activation and injury to the alveolar epithelium and endothelium;
    c. Lung extracellular matrix degradation; (2d) systemic endothelial injury and effect on non-pulmonary organ dysfunction.”


  • Chief Investigator
    Chief Investigator Dr Murali Shyamsundar
  • Sponsor & funder
    Sponsor Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
    Funder Public Health Agency (PHA) Health and Social Care Research and Development (HSC R&D) Office via a National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Scientist Award.
    National Institute for Health Research, CDV/5137/15